From Knowledge Engineering Laboratory
Journal articles
- Gu Y, Li G, Gu J, Jung JJ, Graph embedding-based Anomaly localization for HVAC system, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 107511; ISSN 2352-7102,
- Gu, Yuxuan, Jiakai Gu, Gen Li, Heeseung Yun, Jason J. Jung, Sojung An, and David Camacho. 2022. "AWMC: Abnormal-Weather Monitoring and Curation Service Based on Dynamic Graph Embedding" Applied Sciences 12, no. 20: 10444.
- Gu, Jiakai. Li , Gen, Vo, N. D., & Jung, J. J. (2022). Contextual Word2Vec Model for Understanding Chinese Out of Vocabularies on Online Social Media. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 18(1), 1-14.
- Giang T.C. Tran, Luong Vuong Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, Jeonghun Han, "Understanding Political Polarization Based on User Activity: A Case Study in Korean Political YouTube Channels," SAGE Open, Vol. 12, Issue 2, 21582440221094587, April 2022, Sage Journal. DOI: 10.1177/21582440221094587
- Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, "Ant Colony Optimization-Based Traffic Routing with Intersection Negotiation for Connected Vehicles," Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 112, 107828, November 2021, Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107828
- Gen Li, Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, "Traffic Incident Detection Based on Dynamic Graph Embedding in Vehicular Edge Computing," Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 13, 5861, June 2021, MDPI. DOI: 10.3390/app11135861
- Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, "Swarm Intelligence-based Green Optimization Framework for Sustainable Transportation," Sustainable Cities and Society, Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 71, 102947, August 2021, Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.102947
- Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, "Multiple ACO-based Method for Solving Dynamic MSMD Traffic Routing Problem in Connected Vehicles," Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 6405–6414, June 2021, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s00521-020-05402-8
- Minsung Hong, Jason J. Jung, "ClustPTF: Clustering-based Parallel Tensor Factorization for the diverse multi-criteria recommendation," Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2021.
- Dang Thinh Vu, Jason J. Jung, "Rumor Detection by Propagation Embedding based on Graph Convolutional Network," International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2021.
- Gen Li, Jason J. Jung, "Dynamic relationship identification for abnormality detection in financial time series," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 145, 194-199, 2021.
- Israel Edem Agbehadji, Samuel Ofori Frimpong, Richard C. Millham, Jason J. Jung, Simon James Fong, "Clustering algorithm based on nature-inspired approach for energy optimization in heterogeneous wireless sensor network," Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 104, 107171, 2021.
- Luong Vuong Nguyen, Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, David Camacho, "Extending Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Using Word Embedding: A Hybrid Approach," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2021.
- Geon Ju Lee, Jason J. Jung, David Camacho, "Exploiting Weighted Association Rule Mining for Indicating Synergic Formation Tactics in Soccer Teams," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2021.
- CiYeon Peng, Dang Thinh Vu, Jason J. Jung, "Knowledge Graph-based Metaphor Representation for Literature Understanding," Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2021.
- Gen Li, Jason J. Jung, "Dynamic graph embedding for outlier detection on multiple meteorological time series," Plos One, Vol. 16, No. 2, e0247119, 2021.
- Minsung Hong, Jason J. Jung, "Multi-criteria Tensor Model for Tourism Recommender Systems," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 170, 114537, 2021.
- Minsung Hong, Jason J. Jung, "Multi-criteria tensor model for spatio-temporal recommender systems," Journal of Ambient Intelligent and Smart Environments, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 5-19, 2021.
- O-Joun Lee, Hyeon-Ju Jeon, Jason J. Jung, "Learning Multi-resolution Representations of Research Patterns in Bibliographic Networks," Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 15, No. 1, 101126, 2021.
- Dongyu Zhang, Minghao Zhang, Ciyuan Peng, Jason J. Jung, Feng Xia, "Metaphor Research in the 21st Century: A Bibliographic Analysis," Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 303-321, 2020.
- Minsung Hong, Jason J. Jung, "Hypothetical Tensor-based Multi-criteria Recommender System for New Users with Partial Preferences," Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 285-301, 2020.
- Luong Vuong Nguyen, Jason J. Jung*, and Myunggwon Hwang*. OurPlaces: Cross-Cultural Crowdsourcing Platform for Location Recommendation Services, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. [LINK]
- Gen Li, Jason J. Jung, "Maximum Marginal Approach on EEG Signal Preprocessing for Emotion Detection," Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(21), 7677. [LINK]
- Tri-Hai Nguyen, Luong Vuong Nguyen, Jason J. Jung *, Israel Edem Agbehadji, Samuel Ofori Frimpong, Richard C. Millham, "Bio-inspired Approaches for Smart Energy Management: State of the Art and Challenges", Sustainability, Vol. 12, No. 20, 2020. [LINK]
- Luong Vuong Nguyen, Minsung Hong, Jason J. Jung, Bong-Soo Sohn: "Cognitive Similarity-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System", Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(12), 4183; [LINK]
- Dinh Nam Vo, Minsung Hong, Jason J. Jung: "Implicit Stochastic Gradient Descent Method for Cross-Domain Recommendation System", Sensors 2020, 20(9), 2510 [LINK]
- Ciyuan Peng, Jason J Jung: Interpretation of metaphors in Chinese poetry: Where did Li Bai place his emotions?, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, DOI:10.1093/llc/fqaa016 [LINK]
- Hoang Long Nguyen, Vu Dang Thinh, and Jason J. Jung: Knowledge Graph Fusion for Smart Systems: A Survey. Information Fusion (2020) [LINK]
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung, Jin-Taek Kim: Learning Hierarchical Representations of Stories by Using Multi-layered Structures in Narrative Multimedia. Sensors, Vol. 20, No. 7, 1978, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/s20071978 [LINK]
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Israel E. Agbehadji, Richard Millham, David Camacho, Jason J. Jung: Distributed artificial bee colony approach for connected appliances in smart home energy management system. Expert Systems. 2020. DOI: 10.1111/exsy.12521 [LINK]
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: Story Embedding: Learning Distributed Representations of Stories based on Character Networks. Artificial Intelligence, DOI:10.1016/j.artint.2020.103235
- Hyeon-Ju Jeon, O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: Is Performance of Scholars Correlated to their Research Collaboration Patterns?. Frontiers in Big Data 11/2019; 2(39)., DOI:10.3389/fdata.2019.00039
- Minsung Hong, Sojung An, Rajendra Akerkar, David Camacho, Jason J. Jung: Cross-cultural contextualization for recommender systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, DOI: 10.1007/s12652-019-01479-9
- Sojung An, Jason J. Jung: A heuristic approach on metadata recommendation for search engine optimization. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 09/2019. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.5407
- Yunhu Kim, Khac‐Hoai Nam Bui, Jason J. Jung: Data‐driven exploratory approach on player valuation in football transfer market. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2019. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.5353
- Hoang Long Nguyen, Jason J. Jung: Social Event Decomposition for Constructing Knowledge Graph. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 100, pp. 10-18, 2019.
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Jason J. Jung: ACO-based Dynamic Decision Making for Connected Vehicles in IoT System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 5648-5655, 2019.
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: Integrating character networks for extracting narratives from multimodal data. Information Processing & Management 09/2019; 56(5):1894-1923., DOI:10.1016/j.ipm.2019.02.005
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: Modeling affective character network for story analytics. Future Generation Computer Systems 03/2019; 92:458-478., DOI:10.1016/j.future.2018.01.030
- Gen Li, Chang Ha Lee, Jason J. Jung, Young Chul Youn, David Camacho: Deep learning for EEG data analytics: A survey. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2019. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.5199
- Duc-Nghia Vu, Nhu-Ngoc Dao, Yongwoon Jang, Woongsoo Na, Young‐Bin Kwon, Hyunchul Kang, Jason J. Jung, Sungrae Cho: Joint Energy and Latency Optimization for Upstream IoT Offloading Services in Fog Radio Access Networks. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2019.
- Minsung Hong, Rajendra Akerkar, Jason J. Jung: Improving Explainability of Recommendation System by Multi-sided Tensor Factorization. Cybernetics and Systems, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 97-117, 2019.
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Jason J. Jung: Computational Negotiation-based Edge Analytics for Smart Objects. Information Sciences 480: 222--236; DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2018.12.046
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Sungrae Cho, Jason J. Jung, Joongheon Kim, O-Joun Lee, and Woongsoo Na: A Novel Network Virtualization based on Data Analytics in Connected Environment. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10/2018; DOI: 10.1007/s12652-018-1083-x
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Jason J. Jung, David Camacho: Consensual Negotiation-Based Decision Making for Connected Appliances in Smart Home Management Systems. Sensors 18(7): 2206; DOI:10.3390/s18072206
- O-Joun Lee, Jai E. Jung: Owner-Borrower Model for Recommenders in O2O Services. Mobile Networks and Applications 06/2018; DOI:10.1007/s11036-018-1073-4
- Jae-Hong Park, O-Joun Lee, Jai E. Jung: Spatio-temporal query contextualization for microtext retrieval in social media. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience; DOI:10.1002/cpe.4458
- Hoang Long Nguyen, Jai E Jung: SocioScope: A framework for understanding Internet of Social Knowledge. Future Generation Computer Systems; DOI:10.1016/j.future.2018.01.064
- O-Joun Lee, Yunhu Kim, Hoang Long Nguyen, Jai E Jung: Multi-scaled Spatial Analytics on Discovering Latent Social Events for Smart Urban Services. Journal of Universal Computer Science 03/2018; 24(3):322–337.
- Min-sung Hong, Jason J. Jung. Chianese, Multi-Sided recommendation based on social tensor factorization, Information Sciences 447 (2018) 140-156; DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2018.03.019
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Jason J. Jung: Internet of agents framework for connected vehicles: A case study on distributed traffic control system. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 116: 89-95; DOI:10.1016/j.jpdc.2017.10.019
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Jason J. Jung: Cooperative game-theoretic approach to traffic flow optimization for multiple intersections. Computers & Electrical Engineering 71: 1012--1024; DOI:10.1016/j.compeleceng.2017.10.016
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, David Camacho, Jai E Jung: Game theoretic approach on Real-time decision making for IoT-based traffic light control. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 29(11): e4077; DOI:10.1002/cpe.4077
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, David Camacho, Jai E Jung: Real-Time Traffic Flow Management Based on Inter-Object Communication: a Case Study at Intersection. Mobile Networks and Applications 22(4): 613-624; DOI:110.1007/s11036-016-0800-y
- Minsung Hong, Jason J. Jung: Visualizing Multidimensional Lifelogging Data: a Case Study on MyMovieHistory Project. Cybernetics and Systems, Vol. 49, No. 5-6, pp. 384-398, 2018.
- Quang Dieu Tran, Dosam Hwang, O-Joun Lee, Jai E. Jung: Exploiting Character Networks for Movie Summarization. Multimedia Tools and Applications 04/2017; 76(8):10357–10369., DOI:10.1007/s11042-016-3633-6
- Jai E. Jung, O-Joun Lee, Eun-Soon You, Myoung-Hee Nam: A Computational Model of Transmedia Ecosystem for Story-based Contents. Multimedia Tools and Applications 04/2017; 16(8):10371–10388., DOI:10.1007/s11042-016-3626-5
- Min-sung Hong, Jason J. Jung, F. Piccialli, A. Chianese, Social recommendation service for cultural heritage, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21 (2) (2017) 191-201; DOI:10.1007/s00779-016-0985-x
- Min-sung Hong, Jason J. Jung, D. Camacho, GRSAT: A novel method on group recommendation by social affinity and trustworthiness, Cybernetics and Systems 48 (3) (2017) 140-161; DOI:10.1080/01969722.2016.1276770
- Hoang Long Nguyen, O-Joun Lee, Jai E. Jung, Jaehwa Park, Tai-Won Um, Hyun-Woo Lee: Event-driven Trust Refreshment on Ambient Services. IEEE Access 03/2017; 5:4664 - 4670., DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2677917
- O-Joun Lee, Hoang Long Nguyen, Jai E. Jung, Hyun-Woo Lee, Tai-Won Um: Towards Ontological Approach on Trust-aware Ambient Services. IEEE Access 02/2017; 5:1589 - 1599., DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2663407
- O-Joun Lee, Jai E. Jung: Sequence Clustering-based Automated Rule Generation for Adaptive Complex Event Processing. Future Generation Computer Systems 01/2017; 66:100–109., DOI:10.1016/j.future.2016.02.011
- Jai E. Jung, Minsung Hong, and Hoang Long Nguyen: Serendipity-based storification: from lifelogging to storytelling. 2016. Multimedia Tools and Applications. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-016-3682-x
- Hoang Long Nguyen and Jai E. Jung: Statistical approach for figurative sentiment analysis on Social Networking Services: a case study on Twitter. 2016. Multimedia Tools and Applications. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-016-3525-9
- Minsung Hong, and Jung, Jason J. 2016, "MyMovieHistory: Social Recommender System by Discovering Social Affinities Among Users" Cybernetics and Systems, 47(1-2), pp. 88-110 [LINK] [BIB] [DOWNLOAD]
- O-Joun Lee, Min-sung Hong, Jason J. Jung, Juhyun Shin, Pankoo Kim: Adaptive Collaborative Filtering Based on Scalable Clustering for Big Recommender Systems. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 02/2016; 13(2). DOI:10.12700/APH.13.2.2016.2.10
- Hoang Long Nguyen and Jung, Jason J. 2015, "Privacy-Aware Framework for Matching Online Social Identities in Multiple Social Networking Services" Cybernetics and Systems, 46(1-2), pp. 69-83. DOI: 10.1080/01969722.2015.1007737
Conference Proceedings
- Tri-Hai Nguyen, Gen Li, Hyoenseong Jo, Jason J. Jung, David Camacho, "Cooperative Negotiation in Connected Vehicles for Mitigating Traffic Congestion," Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2021), Italy (Virtual Event), Sep 16-18, 2021. Springer.
- Jeongbin Kim, Jiyoon Kim, Hyeonseong Jo, Jason J. Jung, David Camacho, "Multiple Domains Knowledge Graph Search via Heuristic Algorithm for Answering Complex Questions", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2021), July 11- 16, 2021.
- Luong Vuong Nguyen, Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, "Tourism Recommender System based on Cognitive Similarity between Cross-Cultural Users," Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Artificial intelligence and machine learning for Emerging Topics 2021 (ALLEGET 2021) co-located with 17th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2021), Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Virtual Event), June 21-24, 2021. IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/AISE210101
- Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, "Inverse Pheromone-based Decentralized Route Guidance for Connected Vehicles," Proceedings of the 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2021), ACM, Virtual Event, March 22-26, 2021. DOI: 10.1145/3412841.3441925
- Luong Vuong Nguyen, Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, "Content-based Collaborative Filtering using Word Embedding: A Case Study on Movie Recommendation," Proceedings of International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS 2020), pp. 96–100, ACM, Gwangju, Seoul, South Korea, October 13-16, 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3400286.3418253
- Giang T.C. Tran, Luong Vuong Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, Jeonghun Han, "Modeling User Loyalty for Korean Political YouTube Channels," Proceedings of International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS 2020), pp. 101–106, ACM, Gwangju, Seoul, South Korea, October 13-16, 2020.
- Geon Ju Lee, Gen Li, David Camacho, Jason J. Jung, "Discovering Synergic Association by Feature Clustering from Soccer Players," Proceedings of International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS 2020), pp. 107–112, ACM, Gwangju, Seoul, South Korea, October 13-16, 2020.
- Samuel Ofori Frimpong, Israel Edem Agbehadji, Richard Millham, Jason J. Jung, "Nature-Inspired Search Method for Cost Optimization of Hybrid Renewable Energy Generation at the Edge," Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Computing and Data Communication Systems (icABCD 2020), pp. xxx-xxx, IEEE, Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, August 6-7, 2020.
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung, "Story Embedding: Learning Distributed Representations of Stories based on Character Networks," Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020), pp. 5070-5074, Yokohama, Japan, July 11-17, 2020.
- Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, "ACO-based Approach on Dynamic MSMD Routing in IoV Environment," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2020), IEEE, Madrid, Spain, July 20-23, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/IE49459.2020.9154927
- Vu Dang Thinh, Jason J. Jung. "Detecting Emerging Rumors by Embedding Propagation Graphs." Asia Information Retrieval Symposium. Springer, Cham, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-42835-8_15
- Israel Edem Agbehadji, Richard C. Millham, Simon James Fong, Jason J. Jung, Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Abdultaofeek Abayomi, Samuel Ofori Frimpong, "Bio-inspired energy efficient clustering approach for wireless sensor networks," 2019 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM), Fez, Morocco, 2019, pp. 1-8, DOI: 10.1109/WINCOM47513.2019.8942532.
- Israel Edem Agbehadji, Richard C. Millham, Simon James Fong, Jason J. Jung, Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Abdultaofeek Abayomi, "Multi-stage Clustering Algorithm for Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks," in Berry M., Yap B., Mohamed A., Köppen M. (eds) Soft Computing in Data Science. SCDS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1100. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0399-3_18
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung, "Computational Narrative Representation and Analytics," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Humanities (ICAIH2019), Seoul, Korea, Aug 14, 2019.
- Ciyuan Peng, Jason J. Jung, "Topic Modeling-based Approach to Metaphor Identification in Chinese Poetries," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Humanities (ICAIH2019), Seoul, Korea, Aug 14, 2019.
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung, "Character Network Embedding-based Plot Structure Discovery in Narrative Multimedia," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, Article No.: 15, ACM, Seoul, Korea, June 26-27, 2019. DOI:10.1145/3326467.3326485
- Zois Koukopoulos, Dimitrios Koukopoulos, Jason J. Jung, "Sustainability Services for Public Libraries within a Smart City Environment," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, Article No.: 24, ACM, Seoul, Korea, June 26-27, 2019. DOI:10.1145/3326467.3326473
- Luong Vuong Nguyen, O-Joun Lee, Hoang Long Nguyen, Sojung An, Jason J. Jung, Yue-Shan Chang: "Crowdsourcing System for Measuring Cognitive Similarity in Recommendation System", In Proceeding of the ISSAT International Conference on Data Science in Business, Finance and Industry (DSBFI 2019), Danang, Vietnam; July 2019.
- Dinh Nam Vo, Hoang Long Nguyen, Gen Li, Jason J. Jung, David Camacho: "Conceptual Design of Incremental Matrix Consolidation Operation for Recommendation Systems", In Proceeding of the ISSAT International Conference on Data Science in Business, Finance and Industry (DSBFI 2019), Danang, Vietnam; July 2019.
- Dinh Nam Vo, Jason J. Jung: "Towards Scalable Recommendation Framework with Heterogeneous Data Sources: Preliminary Results", In Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; Nov 2018. [LINK]
- O-Joun Lee, Nayoung Jo, Jason J. Jung: Measuring Character-based Story Similarity by Analyzing Movie Scripts. The 1st Workshop on Narrative Extraction From Text (Text2Story 2018), co-located with the 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2018), Grenoble, France; 03/2018
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: Explainable Movie Recommendation Systems by using Story-based Similarity. The workshop on Explainable Smart Systems (ExSS 2018), held in conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2018), Tokyo, Japan; 03/2018
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Sungrae Cho, Jason J. Jung*, Joongheon Kim, O-Joun Lee, and Woongsoo Na: Network Engineering: Towards Data-driven Framework for Network Configuration. The 8th EAI International Conference on Big Data Technologies and Applications (BDTA 2017), Gwangju, South Korea; 11/2017
- Jae-Hong Park, O-Joun Lee, Joo-Man Han, Eon-ji Lee, Jason J. Jung, Luca Carratore, Francesco Piccialli: Spatio-Temporal Contextualization of Queries for Microtexts in Social Media: Mathematical Modeling. The 2nd International Workshop on Data Mining in IoT Systems (DaMIS 2017), Lund, Sweden; 09/2017
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Jason J. Jung: Cooperative Game Theoretic Approach for Distributed Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Network. The 13th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2017), Seoul, South Korea; 08/2017
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: Affective Character Network for Understanding Plots of Narrative Contents. The 1st International Workshop on Affective Computing and Context Awareness in Ambient Intelligence (AfCAI 2016), Murcia, Spain; 11/2016
- Quang Dieu Tran, Dosam Hwang, O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: A Novel Method for Extracting Dynamic Character Network from Movie. 7th EAI International Conference on Big Data Technologies and Applications, Seoul, Korea; 11/2016
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung and David Camacho. 2016 "Dynamic Traffic Light Control System Based on Process Synchronization Among Connected Vehicles", In Proceeding of the 7th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI 2016), Sevilla, SPAIN, June 2016. [LINK] [BIB] [DOWNLOAD]
- Tran, Quang Dieu, Dosam Hwang, and Jason J. Jung. "Movie Summarization Using Characters Network Analysis." Computational Collective Intelligence. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 390-399. LINKBIB DOWNLOAD
- Nguyen, Hoang Long and Nguyen, Trung Duc and Hwang, Dosam and Jung, Jason J. 2015 "KELabTeam: A Statistical Approach on Figurative Language Sentiment Analysis in Twitter". In proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015), 679-683. Denver, Colorado, USA, June 4-5, 2015. LINKBIBDOWNLOAD
- Xuan Hau Pham, Jason J. Jung, Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Tuong Tri Nguyen. 2015 "User Timeline and Interest-Based Collaborative Filtering on Social Network", In Proceeding of the 4th EAI International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications (ICCASA 2015), VUNG TAU, VIETNAM, November 2015. [LINK] [BIB] [DOWNLOAD]
- Minsung Hong and Jason J. Jung. 2015 "Social Affinity-based Group Recommender System", In Proceeding of the 4th EAI International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications (ICCASA 2015), VUNG TAU, VIETNAM, November 2015. [LINK] [BIB] [DOWNLOAD]
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Xuan Hau Pham, Jason J. Jung, O-Joun Lee and Min-Sung Hong. 2015 "Context-Based Traffic Recommendation System", In Proceeding of the 4th EAI International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications (ICCASA 2015), VUNG TAU, VIETNAM, November 2015. [LINK] [BIB] [DOWNLOAD]
- O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung, Eunsoon You: Predictive Clustering for Performance Stability in Collaborative Filtering Techniques. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics, Gdynia, Poland; 06/2015
- Min-Sung Hong, O-Joun Lee, and Jason J. Jung. 2015 "Adaptive Clustering for Scalable Collaborative Filtering in Recommender Systems". In proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Media and Applications (SMA 2014), 31-34. Chiang Mai, Thailand, December 10-13, 2014. [LINK] [BIB][DOWNLOAD]
Book chapters
- Luong Vuong Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, "Crowdsourcing Platform for Collecting Cognitive Feedbacks from Users: A Case Study on Movie Recommender System," In: Pham H. (eds) Reliability and Statistical Computing. Vol. xxx, pp. 139-150, Springer Series in Reliability Engineering. Springer, Cham. June 2020 [LINK]
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung, David Camacho: Dynamic Traffic Light Control System Based on Process Synchronization Among Connected Vehicles. Ambient Intelligence- Software and Applications, Edited by Helena Lindgren, Juan F. De Paz, Paulo Novais, Antonio Fernández-Caballero, Hyun Yoe, Andres Jiménez Ramírez, Gabriel Villarrubia, 05/2017; Springer International Publishing., ISBN: 978-3-319-40113-3
- Khac-Hoai Nam Bui, Xuan Hau Pham, Jason J. Jung, O-Joun Lee, Min-Sung Hong: Context-Based Traffic Recommendation System. Context-Aware Systems and Applications, Edited by Cong Vinh Phan, Alagar Vangalur, 11/2015; Springer International Publishing., ISBN: 978-3-319-29235-9
- Myeong-Yeon Yi, O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: MBTI-based Collaborative Recommendation System: A Case Study of Webtoon Contents. Context-Aware Systems and Applications, Edited by Cong Vinh Phan, Alagar Vangalur, 11/2015; Springer International Publishing., ISBN: 978-3-319-29235-9
- O-Joun Lee, Eunsoon You, Min-Sung Hong, Jason J. Jung: Adaptive Complex Event Processing Based on Collaborative Rule Mining Engine. Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Edited by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Bogdan Trawinski, Raymond Kosala, 03/2015; Springer International Publishing., ISBN: 978-3-319-15701-6
Domestic conference papers
- SeungHun Jeon, Jason J. Jung, Bong-Gil Kim, Myung-Gwon Hwang: Ranking Distribution Learning-based Keyword Selection for Dynamic Search Engine Optimization: a Preliminary Case Study on Naver Shopping. The Autumn Conference of KISM 2020, Gwangju, South Korea; 11/2020 [LINK]
- Jae-Hong Park, O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: Measuring Semantic Correlation among Words in Social Media based on Spatio-temporal Feature. The Spring Conference of KISM & SEBS 2017, Seoul, South Korea; 04/2017
- Jae-Hong Park, O-Joun Lee, Jason J. Jung: Measuring Semantic Correlation among Words in Social Media based on Temporal Feature. The 5th Workshop on Convergent and Smart Media Systems (CSMS 2017), Gwanju, South Korea; 02/2017
- Minsung Hong and Jason J. Jung. "Users Preference Transition Analysing and Visualizing by users movie history." In proceeding of the 3rd workshop on Convergent and Smart Media Systems(CSMS 2016), KWANG JU, KOREA, January 2016.[LINK][BIB] [DOWNLOAD]
- Jason J. Jung, O-Joun Lee: Method and apparatus for content analysis including story. Ref. No: KR 1020180058510, Year: 05/2018
- Jason J. Jung, Min-Sung Hong, O-Joun Lee: Apparatus and Method for recommending item to user group using emotion information. Ref. No: KR1020170042015, Year: 03/2017
- Jason J. Jung, Min-Sung Hong, O-Joun Lee: Apparatus and Method for recommending item for user group. Ref. No: KR1020170033241, Year: 03/2017
- Jason J. Jung, O-Joun Lee: Method and Apparatus for matching identification information of plurality of SNS. Ref. No: KR 1020150128425, Year: 09/2015
- Jason J. Jung, O-Joun Lee: Event processing system, Event processing method and Computer program. Ref. No: KR1020150099077, Year: 07/2015